Monday 12 December 2011

Bathroom maestros

Why is it men think they are Caruso as soon as they hit the showers? Sometimes it gets out of hand.

Picture a jovial type who always sings off key. Naturally he inflicts his vocal maladroitness on anymore within hearing distance. Most often his wife.

What makes it worse is that these bathroom maestros tend to vocalize at the top of their lungs, sounding like screams from Psycho slashing through the thunderous rush of tap water. Let's leave our hero in the shower for a moment (oh, please--lets!) and step into his living room.

Note his loving but long suffering wife. When you ask her about his musical skills, she replies bluntly:
I once liked having him sing. Initially I thought it was sweet. Then he started singing every morning and every night, but only when he took a shower. He won't sing at parties like a normal person. He has to be in the tub. He likes the echo effect or something.  
Only once did he sing outside the house and that was because he was caught in a rainstorm. He got soaked to the skin and I guess that triggered an automatic response.
I don't know what is worse: his obsession with cleanliness or high notes! His behavior is driving me insane! To say nothing of running up the water bills as he prolongs his solitary concerts.
As I think about this I wonder if men, more than women, prefer to sing in showers. If they do, is it because most men want to be vocal artists and wish they could handle arias like Pavarotti or lounge songs like Frank Sinatra or croon as smoothly as Michael Buble?

There are many female singers out there to emulate.  Clearly women must sing at home, but where do budding sopranos sing?  Surely women love to warble country and western tunes or raunchy rock songs or operatic arias?

Do these ladies prefer the shower to work on their styles or do they prefer to use the bath instead. Everyone knows the bath is far more luxurious but does it lend itself to warbling?

Fact is, showers appeal to the showboat in men, who are drawn to them like a ham to a microphone.  Women, like every thing else in life, are far more practical. 

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